Norms for Authors


Please read these notes carefully. Articles in Italian, English, and French will be accepted.
Manuscripts should follow the APA style. Complete APA styles norms are available at the end of the page:

Document Format

Margins: 2,54 cm on all sides (top, bottom, left, right); Font Size and Type: 12-pt. font (Times Roman or Courier are acceptable typefaces); Spacing: Double-space throughout the paper, including the title page, abstract, body of the document, references, appendices, footnotes, tables, and figure captions; Alignment: Flush left (creating an uneven right margin).

Order of Pages

Page 1: Title page containing the name of the author(s), the author(s)’ affiliation, and contact information; Page 2: Abstract (no more than 1000 characters, including spaces); Page 3 and next: Title, text, and references (no more than 27.000 characters, spaces included); Appendices; Figures and Tables: embedded in the text.
Full manuscripts should be sent to the following email address:
Submissions are requested by 31st January and 1st April each year.


Qwerty Journal will also accepts proposals for special issues. A special issue may be proposed by one or more editors who will manage the review process jointly with a Qwerty editorial tutor.
Proposals for a special issue should include:

  • A brief presentation of the topic;
  • The topic should be compatible Qwerty’s editorial vision;
  • The name and contact details of the editor(s);
  • A schedule for the editorial process, including the issue of the call for papers, submission and due dates, timescales and modality for the review process, and final submission deadlines for the issue (to be planned for 31st January or 1st April each year).

The format of the proposal document should be as follows:

Document Format

Margins: 2,54 cm on all sides (top, bottom, left, right); Font Size and Type: 12-pt. font (Times Roman or Courier are acceptable typefaces); Spacing: Double-space throughout the paper, including the title page, abstract, body of the document, references, appendices, footnotes, tables, and figure captions; Alignment: Flush left (creating an uneven right margin).

Accepted proposaL

Editor(s) will be asked to send a copy of the proposed index and a short abstract (200 words) for each article.
The final version of the special issue should include:

  • An editorial article;
  • Generally, no more than four articles may be included in an issue of Qwerty.
  • Each article should follow the Qwerty norms in format and length and should be written in Italian, English, and/or French.
  • Full papers should be about 27.000 characters included spaces and written according to above descript Norms for authors.

At most one special issue per year will be printed.
Submissions for the special issues are requested by 31st January and 1st April each year. [/lang_en] [lang_it] Leggere con attenzione. Gli articoli vengono accettati in italiano, inglese, e francese.
L’articolo dovrà essere redatto rispettando le indicazioni APA. Per indicazioni complete APA, consultare i due link alla fine di questa pagina.


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