3D Printing in Preschool Music Education: Opportunities and challenges


  • Federico Avanzini Sapienza Rome University
  • Adriano Baraté Università degli Studi di Milano
  • Luca Andrea Ludovico Università degli Studi di Milano


3D printers, Music Education, Tangible Interfaces


In this paper we explore the potential of 3D printing in the context of preschool music learning, with the aim of making visible its educational value. After analyzing embodied and enactive approaches in preschool and the adoption of tangible interfaces for music education, we review novel technologies in the field of additive fabrication and 3D printing and highlight their potential for music learning. Subsequently, we propose didactic experiences based on a manipulative approach and using already-available or user-customized 3D models. Finally, we present a case study that investigates alternative forms of music notation.

